March 25, 2010

Yes, Russia is Consecrated! Anniversary of the Collegial Consecration of Russia + March 25th,1984

        Yes Russia Is Consecrated!

Everywhere that God

Performs a Miracle or

Work of Grace, the Devil 

is at Work to Defuse,

Confuse and Disillusion!

I was going to do a post on individual and personal consecrations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary today  the DeMontfort or Kolbean Consecrations is one better than the other? But within 2 weeks of this post I came across several people on line and in my parish who were confused on weather or not the Collegial Consecration of Russia had taken place. Imagine that! After all that has taken place, people are still asking: Is the Consecration done? Today is the 26th anniversary of the Collegial Consecration of Russia. March 25, 1984. It is also the anniversary of my DeMontfort Consecration to Our Lady.  When I made my consecration I had just returned to the practice of the faith. I was so new to the faith I did not at the time understand the significance of a historic event taking place at the same time in Rome. The pope was consecrating Russia! 

The signs given of Heavens Intervention in the dismantling of the Berlin Wall and the fact that so many people still question the authenticity of the 1984 Collegial Consecrations indicated that I should comment on the on going controversy surrounding the Collegial Consecration of Russia and Fr. Nicholas Gruner.

Fr. Nicholas Gruner, publisher of  "The Fatima Crusader"  Magazine and Director of an Apostolate entitled: "The International Fatima Rosary Crusade". Still portrays himself as a persecuted victim of the Vatican bureaucracy, and pretends to his listeners that his case is still being reviewed by the Pope, himself. This claim leaves his readers to believe that he is still a priest with faculties to offer the Mass and the Sacraments. Vatican Perfect Cardinal Hose Sanchez issued an official statement informing everyone that Fr. Gruner was at Fatima in 1992 without faculties to minister in the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima. His numerous web pages and links are still up and misleading many people who come across them when they do searches for information on the Fatima Message 

Fr. Gruener’s entire Apostolate is based on the consecration of Russia and he still argues that the consecration was never made properly. He had made it the heart of his magazine that Russia would be converted to the Catholic Faith in a miracle right after the consecration. Since this did not happen as he thought he began to maliciously attack the Pope, himself saying that Lucia was a prisoner of the Pope and he even went so far as to say that she would lie for the Pope. This became his entire Apostolate for many years. Sadly many souls still believe his rhetoric.

In 1994 the new bishop of Avellino issued a decree declaring Gruner a vagus priest. He was without faculties. Faculties are required for preaching and to say the Mass. Preaching is not just verbal but includes writing Newsletters or Magazines like the "Fatima Crusader".  Fr Gruener did find a Bishop in Brazil In 1994 who offered him incardination until Cardinal Sepe of Rome informed him that he had no authority to do so unless Fr. Gruner lived in Brazil!

An article in the Wanderer, Sept. 2003  
confirms the church’s highest court the
Apostolic Signatura upheld Fr. Gruner’s
suspension from his Priestly Faculties as
far as I know this has not been revoked! 

News of this suspension was made public in an official press release which in part stated: ‘The Congregation for the Clergy, upon the mandate from a higher authority, wishes to state that Rev. Nicholas Gruner is under a divinis suspension, which has been confirmed by a definitive sentence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura’.

For a detailed History on Fr. Nicholas Gruner and the confusion he has caused please read an article by Rick Salbato on Father Nicholas Gruner documenting the confusion and errors he has disseminated for the past 20 years.

When I returned to the church in the early 1980’s I was blessed that my first pastor, now called to his eternal reward, was a great Fatima devotee. I owe my grounding in the faith to his preaching, and his example. Fr. Gruners apostolate was very active in the 1980s and 1990s and the Fatima Crusader was often planted in the vestibule of the church back then. He  had many financial supporters to publish such an expensive magazine and literally give them away. My former pastor always warned us not to follow Fr. Gruner and tossed all the magazines along with the beautiful pictures sometimes as many as twenty or thirty in the trash. I noted then that the magazine always said something different than what my pastor preached and the bishops said. Unbelievably almost 30 years later in my present parish some soul still plants the Fatima Crusader and I toss them in the trash with my present pastors blessing.

Pope Benedict XVI in a recent address: “The word obedience has disappeared from our vocabulary in our contemporary world.  
The reality of obedience is anathematized.”

Sadly, Fr. Gruner is just one of many individuals and groups who have rebelled against church authority and allowed the devil to use their pride to rob them of their common sense and Catholic Faith.  Everyone today is his own authority judge and lawgiver. When the church gives her pronouncement instead of humbly accepting the church we proudly and loudly rebel and become the instrument of the devil.

The following links are notes and Letters from Sr. Lucia in response to the controversy raised by Fr. Gruner. 
Copy of Letter from Sr. Lucia to Fr. Fox of the Fatima Family Apostolate 
For additional notes and Letters of Sr. Lucia on the Consecration

The Fatima 
Consecration Chronology

The history of the Consecration of Russia goes back to the apparition in Tuy Spain in 1929 When Our Lady came to fulfilled her promise of July 13, 1917.  Appearing to Sr. Lucia  in Tuy she told her: "The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father in union with all the bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Heart, promising to save it by this means. It wasn’t until 1940 that Lucia was finally given permission to write the pope, Pius XII requesting the consecration. Translation of this letter may be viewed at the end of this post.

Pope Pius XII and the popes after him in subsequent years consecrated and reconsecrated the world and later Russia but never in union with all the Bishops of the world. Our Lord stipulated this condition so the world would know that this grace came from the Immaculate Heart of his Mother. Even the pope has to be exactly obedient to a higher authority when it is requested by God.

On May 13 1981 
Pope John Paul II is shot in St. Peters Square on May 13. During the long months of suffering and recuperation in Gemelli Hospital, the Holy Father requests and studies more deeply documents relating to Fatima. His determination to consecrate Russia with bishops of the world grows stronger. In leaving the clinic he remarks: I have come to understand that the only way to save the world from war, to save it from atheism, is the conversion of Russia according to the message of Fatima.

May 13, 1982 
Pope John Paul II invites the bishops of the world to join him in consecrating the world and with it Russia to the Immaculate Heart. Many Bishops do not receive the invitation in time for the Pope's trip to Fatima, where he accomplishes the consecration. Sr. Lucia later says it did not fulfill the conditions.

October, 1983 
Pope John Paul II, at the Synod of Bishops, renews the 1982 Consecration. This also did not fulfill the conditions as many bishops were not present and were not asked.

March 25, 1984 
Finally Pope John Paul II, has the statue of Our Lady in the little chapel brought to Rome and in advance sends invitations to every bishop to join him on this date "united with all the pastors of the Church in a particular bond whereby we constitute a body and a college, "consecrates" the whole world, especially the peoples for which by reason of their situation you have particular love and solicitude." shortly thereafter Sr. Lucia tells the papal nuncio to Portugal that the Consecration is fulfilled.

Note:  This was also 100 years after the Vision of Pope Leo XIII  on October 13, 1884.  Pope Leo XII had a locution hearing Satan and Jesus conversing. Satan boasted to Jesus he would destroy his Church and was granted 100 years to try and destroy God’s Church. It was after this that the pope composed the prayer to St. Michael, which was prayed after each Mass at the foot of the altar.

What Happened
After the Consecration?

Those who follow Fr Gruner still argue that Russia was, not converted and the consecration was never made. These people are misleading many from the truth and into disobedience and possible loss of their Catholic faith to disobey legitimate church authority. Follow Link below for another updated post on this subject

In Fact, Russia was converted
from Communism to relative
Freedom of Religion.

Its conversion is ongoing and free. God respects the free will of men. They have freedom to convert or reject the faith. Our Lady never said that Russia would be converted to Catholicism. She said, simply, that it would be converted and a period of peace would be given to the world. If you examine the Historical Events that took place leading to the final dissolution of the Union of Soviet Union It would be impossible for you not to see that God’s hands were involved in the dismantling of the Soviet Union. Beginning on May 13, 1984 just two months after the pope made the consecration in Rome, an explosion took place at the naval base in Russia! Read the timeline below.

Historical Events
Leading to Dissolution
of the Soviet Union

May 13, 1984
One of the largest crowds in Fatima history gathers at the shrine to pray the Rosary for peace.

May 13, 1984
An explosion at the Soviets’ Severomorsk Naval Base destroys two-thirds of all the missiles stockpiled for the Soviets’ Northern Fleet. The blast also destroys workshops needed to maintain the missiles as well as hundreds of scientists and technicians. Western military experts called it the worst naval disaster the Soviet Navy has suffered since WWII. Again in the same year on Dec 13. An explosion in Siberia destroyed Russia’s largest ammunition base.

December 19 1984 
Soviet Defense Minister Marshal Ustinov, mastermind of the invasion plans for Western Europe, suddenly and mysteriously dies. Three days later December 22 Marshal Sodolov, the 2nd Minister of Defense died.

March 10, 1985  
Soviet Chairman Konstantin Chernenko dies

March 11, 1985  
Soviet Chairman Mikhail Gorbachev elected

April 26, 1986     
Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident. A little known fact that  Chernobyl in Ukrainian is translated as Wormwood.
Rev. 8:10-11: The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water-- the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

May 12, 1988   
Fatima Vigil An explosion wrecked the only factory that made the rocket motors for the Soviets’ deadly SS 24 long-range missiles, which carry ten nuclear bombs each.

August 29, 1989 
Sr. Lucia affirms that the consecration "has been accomplished" and that "God will keep His word." correspondence

November 9, 1989  
Fall of the Berlin Wall  the picture below is a portion of the Berlin Wall donated to the Fatima Sanctuary as part of a thanksgiving for Our Lady of Fatima's role (and many, many rosaries being prayed) in helping bring about the fall of Communism.

Nov-Dec 1989  
Peaceful revolutions in Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania

1990   East and West Germany are unified

August 19, 1991 -
74th Anniversary of Our Ladys fourth apparition at Fatima - Communist coup attempts overthrow of Gorbachev who contributed largely to dismantling of Soviet Empire.

August 22, 1991
Feast of the Queenship of Mary -The attempt of Communist coup to return to hard Communism is defeated.

October 12 - 13, 1991 -
First Russian Pilgrimage to Fatima: Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, Roman Catholic Archbishop from Moscow leads first Russian pilgrimage group to Fatima. It is televised in Russia on 150 stations and 350 radio stations. Fr. Robert Fox director of Fatima Family Apostolate is asked to be present in Fatima with the Russian group.

December 1991 -
Gorbachev meets the Pope in the Vatican a second time; diplomatic relations were opened between the Vatican and Russia and Latin-rite churches were opened.

December 8th, 1991
Feast of the Immaculate Conception. There begins the Commonwealth of Republics, the end of the USSR. Twelve days later Yeltsin of Russia met with the Pope at the Vatican.

December 25, 1991 
Dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  The Communist flag is taken down for the last time over the Kremlin in Moscow. Gorbachev resigned and sent a letter to Pope John Paul II. Fifteen republics were freed from Communism.

December 30, 1991
Sister Lucia is reported saying that the defeat of Communism was through Marys intercession.

In Conclusion the Church has suspended Fr. Nicholas from his priestly faculties and as far as I am aware this suspension has not been revoked. In following the Fátima message one must choose between Fr. Gruner’s example of disobedience to legitimate ecclesiastical authority, or Sr. Lucia’s heroic example of obedience to the Church during a difficult time in Church history.

"He that is not with the Pope is not with God, and he that wants to be with God, has to be with the Pope." -Sr. Lucia

Letter of Sr. Lucia to Pope Pius XII
Requesting the Consecration of
The World and Russia to
The Immaculate Heart of Mary!

Tuy, Spain, 2nd of December of 1940
Most Holy Father,

Humbly prostrated at your feet, I come as the last sheep of the fold entrusted to you to open my heart, by order of my spiritual director.

I am the only survivor of the children to whom our Lady appeared in Fátima (Portugal) from the 13th of May to the 13th of October 1917. The Blessed Virgin has granted me many graces, the greatest of all being my admission to the Institute of Saint Dorothy. (To here this is copy of the sketch the Bishop sent me.)

I come, Most Holy Father, to renew a request that has already been brought to you several times. The request, Most Holy Father, is from our Lord and our good Mother in Heaven.

In 1917, in the portion of the apparitions that we have designated "the secret," the Blessed Virgin revealed the end of the war that was then afflicting Europe, and predicted another forthcoming, saying that to prevent it She would come and ask the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart as well as the Communion of reparation on the first Saturday. She promised peace and the conversion of that nation if her request was attended to. She announced that otherwise this nation would spread her errors throughout the world, and there would be wars, persecutions of the Holy Church, martyrdom of many Christians, several persecutions and sufferings reserved for Your Holiness, and the annihilation of several nations.

Most Holy Father, this remained a secret until 1926 according to the express will of our Lady. Then, in a revelation She asked that the Communion of reparation on the first Saturdays of five consecutive months be propagated throughout the world, with its conditions of doing the following with the same purpose; going to confession, meditating for a quarter of an hour on the mysteries of the Rosary and saying the Rosary with the aim of making reparation for the insults, sacrileges and indifferences committed against Her Immaculate Heart. Our good Heavenly Mother promises to assist the persons who practice this devotion, in the hour of their death, with all the necessary graces for their salvation. I exposed the request of our Lady to my confessor, who tried to have it fulfilled, but only on the 13th of September 1939 did His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria make public in Fatima this request of our Lady.

I take this opportunity, Most Holy Father, to ask you to bless and extend this devotion to the whole world. In 1929, through another apparition, our Lady asked for the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, promising its conversion through this means and the hindering of the propagation of its errors.

Sometime afterwards I told my confessor of the request of our Lady. He tried to fulfill it by making it known to Pius XI.

In several intimate communications our Lord has not stopped insisting on this request, promising lately, to shorten the days of tribulation which He has determined to punish the nations for their crimes, through war, famine and several persecutions of the Holy Church and Your Holiness, if you will consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with a special mention for Russia, and order that all the Bishops of the world do the same in union with Your Holiness. I truly feel your sufferings, Most Holy Father! And, at much as I can through my humble prayers and sacrifices, I try to lessen them, close to our Lord and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Most Holy Father, if in the union of my soul with God I have not been deceived, our Lord promises a special protection to our country in this war, due to the consecration of the nation by the Portuguese Prelates, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; as proof of the graces that would have been granted to other nations, had they also consecrated themselves to Her.

Now, Most Holy Father, allow me to make one more request, which is but an ardent wish of my humble heart; that the feast in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary be extended throughout the whole world as one of the main feasts of the Holy Church.

With the deepest respect and reverence I ask for the Apostolic Blessing. May God protect Your Holiness.
Maria Lucia de Jesus
Tuy, Spain, 2nd of December of 1940.

From Novos Documentos de Fátima, Fr. Anthony Mario Martins, SJ (Oporto: 1984). English edition: Documents on Fatima & Memoirs of Sr. Lucia. (Alexandria, SD: Fatima Family Apostolate, 1992).
Letter of Sr. Lucia to Pope Pius XII

 Follow Link below for another updated post on this subject