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September 13, 2011

I am the Lady of the Rosary! Our Lady of Fatima Mother of Sorrows in Her Face we see Our Lady of the Chastisement!

Photo © Speramus-We Hope 
 “It seems to me that gazing on the countenance of Our Lady of Fatima, we see     Our Lady of the Chastisement. Her maternal gaze looks down with a great mercy, but also a profound sadness, on a suffering humanity, an agonizing mankind" - Marian Horvart,Phd 
Let Us Meditate on the approved Marian Apparitions
in the light given to us through the Message of Fatima! 

Jesus told his apostles that he had many things to tell them yet but they could not bear it now. When he would send the spirit of truth the Spirit would enlighten them and call to their minds all that he had taught them while he was with them.  A good example of how God has taught the church over time can be seen in the lives of two great Marian saints who promoted Total Consecration to her.  SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE (1894-1941) and ST. Louis-Marie Grignion de MONTFORT (1673-1716).  The later was given a much deeper insight into the relationship of Our Lady with the Blessed Trinity than his predecessor, St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, who was the first to advocate total consecration to her. The teaching of both disciples of our Lady under went scrutiny by church authorities of their time.  The sanctity of their lives gave witness to their words. Having said that the church would not have accepted what St Maxilmillian taught in the early 1900s during the time of St. Louis de Montfort early 1700s. The light of heaven is so intense we must be spoon feed by the Holy Spirit. Even now the teachings of St Maximilian on Our Lady’s spousal relationship with the Holy Spirit is so sublime the light blinds us. With all of this in mind let us consider the following quotations from an article by -Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D  

Our Lady of Good Success and
Our Lady of Fatima
Prophecies for our Day

Marian Horvart writes: “It seems to me that gazing on the countenance of Our Lady of Fatima, we see Our Lady of the Chastisement. Her maternal gaze looks down with a great mercy, but also a profound sadness, on a suffering humanity, an agonizing mankind. Lucia recounts that by the 3rd apparition, Our Lady had begun to reveal the sadness in her soul. In the last apparition, Lucia recounted, with an even sadder expression, She said, 'Let them offend Our Lord no more, for He is already much offended.' In the face, of Our Lady of

 Fatima we see Our Lady as the

Prophet of the Chastisement

 A prophet is a person with a message for the future, an intercessor with Heaven who begs man's cooperation with grace. When God sent Prophets in the Old Testament it was to remind men to come back to the truth. In the 20th century Our Lord has sent His Mother, the Queen of Prophets: "Go to earth and destroy heresies." The Fathers of the Church have written Our Lady is the hammer of heresies. If you study message of Our Lady of Fatima, you will find the call for conversion and prayer - especially the Rosary - but also many warnings against the heresies and errors of our times.

Fatima and Quito:
 Messages that Confirm
each other

Our Lady at Quito in Ecuador under the title of Our Lady of Good success confirms these warnings of Fatima almost 300 years before in a very descriptive and open way to the humble Conceptionist sister Mother Marianana. 
Our Lady told her that in our lamentable times, heresies would abound, the corruption of manners and customs would be almost complete and the light of the Faith would be nearly extinguished. To atone for the many blasphemies and abuses and to hasten the day of the triumphant restoration, this 17th-century religious was asked to become an expiatory victim for our times. Thus, in a special way, the vocation of Mother Mariana links her to the crisis in the Church and society that few would deny that we are witnessing today. In 1582, when Mother Mariana was praying before the Blessed Sacrament, for the first time she was given to see the heresy, blasphemy and impurity that would inundate the world as punishment in the 20th century. Our Lady asked her: “My daughter, will you sacrifice yourself for the people of this time?” Mother Mariana replied, 'I am willing.' From the violence of the shock of previewing the horrors of our day, Mother Mariana fell dead. Historic and documented evidence record that this holy religious truly died in 1582 and resurrected. Before the divine tribunal, she was given the choice to remain in heaven or return to suffer in the world. Following the example of Our Lady, who left the glories of heaven to protect her children during those difficult first years of the fledgling Church, Mother Mariana chose to return to life to expiate for the great sins of our times.” Marian T. Horvat,Phd.

Let us end with comments from the 
Servant of God Fr. John Hardon S.J.

Servant of God Fr. John Anthony Hardon   on the Restoration of Family Life

Family life can only be restored in countries like ours only by Catholic families living up to the teachings of Christ and His Church. This means two things. First: Ordinary Catholic families cannot survive. They must be extra-ordinary families. They must be what I do not hesitate to call heroic Catholic families.
Ordinary Catholic families are no match for the devil as he uses the media of communication to secularize and desacralize modern society. No less than ordinary individual Catholics can survive, so ordinary Catholic families cannot survive. They have no choice. They must either be holy -- which means sanctified -- or they will disappear. The only Catholic families that will remain alive and thriving by the year 2000 are the families of martyrs. Father, mother and children must he willing to die for their God-given convictions.
Back in the second century, the Fathers of the Church scoffed at her persecutors who were trying to crush Christianity by fire and sword. The persecutors were told. “The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians.”
What the world most needs today is families of martyrs, who will reproduce themselves in spirit in spite of the diabolical hatred against family life by the enemies of Christ and His Church in our day.
Click for entire document

“To become worthy of the victory that Our Lady predicted, we need a supernatural confidence. We need to be entirely convinced of that victory-‘In the End My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.’" - Servant of God Fr. John Anthony Hardon

    Let us Consecrate Our Families to Our Lady and walk with her towards her Victory predicted at Fatima in the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart!    Click Here for Prayers

Click here for the entire article on:  
Our Lady of Good Success and Our Lady of Fatima: Prophecies for Our Times by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D  and further  information on Our Lady of Good success at Quito in Ecuador.

September 5, 2011

Pope named Envoy for Celebration of 600th Anniversary of Eucharistic Miracle in Croatia!

Photo of Shrine of the Miracle of the Precious Blood, Ludbreg     © Real Presence Association  uploaded by Speramus-We Hope  with  permisssion     Procession held every year in September, during the week when  the miracle called Sveta Nedilja is celebrated

VATICAN CITY, AUG. 30, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI appointed Cardinal Jozef Tomko to be his special envoy at the celebrations marking the 600th anniversary of the Eucharistic miracle of Ludbreg in Croatia. Cardinal Tomko, retired prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, will represent the Pope at the events Sept. 4 in the Croatian Diocese of Varazdin. The 87-year-old cardinal is a native of Slovakia. In a Latin-language letter to Cardinal Tomko published Saturday by the Vatican, Benedict XVI reminded that "without the Eucharist we cannot be true Christians and the Church cannot be built up for the salvation of men." More entire Zenit article  

The 1411 miracle involved a priest doubting transubstantiation. As he celebrated Mass, the Precious Blood took on the appearance of blood. Croatian faithful have venerated this Eucharistic miracle down the centuries and have witnessed innumerable healings linked to it, noted Vatican Radio.  Benedict XVI referred to this Miracle during his visit to Croatia in June Click for Pope's Homily

        Photo © Real Presence Association   
uploaded by Speramus-We Hope w permisssion

      The Story Of Ludbreg!
In 1411 at Ludbreg, in the chapel of the Count Batthyany’s castle, a priest was celebrating Mass. During the consecration of the wine, the priest doubted the truth of transubstantiation, and the wine in the chalice turned into Blood. Not knowing what to do, the priest embedded this relic in the wall behind the main altar. The workman who did the job was sworn to silence. The priest also kept it secret and revealed it only at the time of his death. After the priest’s revelation, news quickly spread and people started coming on pilgrimage to Ludbreg. The Holy See later had the relic of the miracle brought to Rome, where it remained for several years. The people of Ludbreg and the surrounding area, however, continued to make pilgrimages to the castle chapel. In the early 1500s, during the pontificate of Pope Julius II, a commission was convened in Ludbreg to investigate the facts connected with Eucharistic miracle. Many people testified they had received marvelous cures while praying in it's presence. 

On April 14, 1513, Pope Leo X published a Bull permitting veneration of the holy relic which he himself had carried in procession several times through the streets of Rome. The relic was later returned to Croatia. n the 18th century, northern Croatia was ravaged by the plague. The people turned to God to call upon His help, and the Croatian Parliament did the same. During the session held on December 15, 1739 in the city of Varazdin, they vowed to build a chapel at Ludbreg in honor of the miracle if the plague ended. The plague was averted, but the promised vow was only fulfilled in 1994, when democracy was restored in Croatia. In 2005 in the votive chapel, the artist Marijan Jakubin painted a large fresco of the Last Supper in which Croatian saints and blesseds were drawn in place of the Apostles. St. John was replaced with Blessed Ivan Merz, who was included among the 18 most important Eucharistic saints in the Church’s history during the Synod of Bishops held in Rome in 2005. In the painting, Christ is holding in His hand a monstrance containing the relic of the Eucharistic miracle......See: The Real Presence Association: and Eucharistic Miracle of Ludbreg
The particles of the Blessed Sacrament are the Eternal, Loving, life-giving Gold of God!  Let us make reparation for those who no longer discern the "Hidden Jesus" in the Blessed Sacrament!
The Eucharistic Miracle of Gruaro Italy, 1294 Part 2  In Gruaro, Italy there is another Eucharistic Miracle with a forgotten particle of the Host! 

A Call to Eucharistic Reparation: Fatima Begins and Ends with the Eucharist!

 Eucharistic Miracles Vatican International Exhibition   A Photographic Exhibition of Church Approved Eucharistic Miracles from 750 A.D. - 2001.