Let us all pray the
Solemn Christmas Novena
Spend five minutes in daily prayer and contemplation to better recognize the
Christ Child and more fully receive His boundless blessings. Based on
the seven Great O Antiphons
Let the Earth be opened and bud forth a Savior!
O that you would rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains quaking before you!
Benedictine monks arranged these antiphons with a definite purpose. If one starts with the last title and takes the first letter of each one — Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia — the Latin words ero cras are formed, meaning, “Tomorrow, I will come.” In these words, the Lord Jesus, for whose coming we prepare in Advent and to whom we address these seven Messianic titles, now speaks to us.
The O Antiphons not only bring intensity to our Advent preparations, but they bring our preparations to a joyful conclusion. Each antiphon begins with “O” and include a different Scriptural image through the Old Testament, all imploring the Messiah to come. As Elsa Chaney in Twelve Days of Christmas states, “They seem to sum up all our Advent longing as they paint with words the wretched condition of mankind and his need of a Savior.”
Let the Earth be opened and bud forth a Savior!
O that you would rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains quaking before you!
Benedictine monks arranged these antiphons with a definite purpose. If one starts with the last title and takes the first letter of each one — Emmanuel, Rex, Oriens, Clavis, Radix, Adonai, Sapientia — the Latin words ero cras are formed, meaning, “Tomorrow, I will come.” In these words, the Lord Jesus, for whose coming we prepare in Advent and to whom we address these seven Messianic titles, now speaks to us.
The O Antiphons not only bring intensity to our Advent preparations, but they bring our preparations to a joyful conclusion. Each antiphon begins with “O” and include a different Scriptural image through the Old Testament, all imploring the Messiah to come. As Elsa Chaney in Twelve Days of Christmas states, “They seem to sum up all our Advent longing as they paint with words the wretched condition of mankind and his need of a Savior.”
May the God of peace sanctify us completely and may our spirits souls and bodies be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ!
V: The Lord is our Coming King,
R: Let us hasten to adore Him.
December 16 First Day of Christmas Novena

BEHOLD THE KING The Lord of the earth who appeared to Moses in the flame of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai He is drawing near! He will come and remove from us the Yoke of our captivity of the House of Israel, and redeem us with outstretched arm.
R: O Come, Let us adore Him!
Say The Daily Novena Prayer below:
The Messianic Prophecies
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
Today The Church begins the seven Great “O” Antiphons of the liturgy, that date back to the seventh or eighth century. These antiphons are chanted or recited at Vespers, or Evening Prayer, the Antiphon before the Magnificat. They are also the Alleluia verse at the Mass.
Holy Word of God who came from the mouth of the Most High, reaching
from end to end and ordering all things mightily and sweetly with your
strong and tender care
R: Come, and teach us the way of prudence
Sirach 24:2; Wisdom 8:1.
Symbols: oil lamp, open book.
Click here for video of Gregorian Chant
R: Come, and teach us the way of prudence
Sirach 24:2; Wisdom 8:1.
Symbols: oil lamp, open book.
Click here for video of Gregorian Chant
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
December 18
O Sacred Lord of the House of Israel, who appeared to Moses in the flame of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai:
R: Come, and redeem us with outstretched arm of your mighty hand.
Exodus 3:2, 20:1. Symbols: burning bush, stone tablets.
Click here for video of Gregorian Chant
O Sacred Lord of the House of Israel, who appeared to Moses in the flame of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai:
R: Come, and redeem us with outstretched arm of your mighty hand.
Exodus 3:2, 20:1. Symbols: burning bush, stone tablets.
Click here for video of Gregorian Chant
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
December 19
O flower of Jesse's stem you have been raised up as a sign for all peoples and stand as a banner of the people, before whom kings shall keep silence and unto whom the Gentiles shall make supplication:
R: Come to deliver us, and tarry not let nothing keep you from coming to our aid!
Isaiah 11:1-3,10 Symbol: vine or plant in flower, especially a rose.
Click here for video of Gregorian Chant
R: Come to deliver us, and tarry not let nothing keep you from coming to our aid!
Isaiah 11:1-3,10 Symbol: vine or plant in flower, especially a rose.
Click here for video of Gregorian Chant
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
December 20
O CLAVIS DAVID O KEY OF DAVID O Key of David, Scepter of the House of Israel, controlling at your will the gate of Heaven who opens and no man shuts, who shuts and no man opens
R :Come, and bring forth the captive from his prison, he who sits in darkness and in the shadow of death. Isaiah 22:22. Symbols: key; broken chains.
Click here for video of the Gregorian Chant
December 21
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
December 21
O ORIENS O DAWN OF THE EAST, O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light and brightness of eternity, sun of justice:
R: Come, and enlighten those that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.
Psalm 19:6-7.
Symbol: rising sun.
Click here for video of the Gregorian Chant
December 22
O REX GENTIUM O KING OF THE GENTILEShttps://speramusposterous.wordpress.com/2016/12/22/dec-22-day-7-solemn-christmas-novena-o-rex-gentium-o-king-of-the-gentiles-2/ King of all the nations, the only joy of every human heart; their desired One, the Cornerstone that makes both one:
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
O REX GENTIUM O KING OF THE GENTILEShttps://speramusposterous.wordpress.com/2016/12/22/dec-22-day-7-solemn-christmas-novena-o-rex-gentium-o-king-of-the-gentiles-2/ King of all the nations, the only joy of every human heart; their desired One, the Cornerstone that makes both one:
R: Come, and deliver man, whom You formed out of the dust of the earth. Psalm 2:7-8, Ephesians 2:14-20. Symbols, Crown, scepter.
Click here for video of the Gregorian Chanthttps://speramusposterous.wordpress.com/2016/12/22/dec-22-day-7-solemn-christmas-novena-o-rex-gentium-o-king-of-the-gentiles-2/
Click here for video of the Gregorian Chanthttps://speramusposterous.wordpress.com/2016/12/22/dec-22-day-7-solemn-christmas-novena-o-rex-gentium-o-king-of-the-gentiles-2/
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
December 23
O EMMANUEL GOD WITH US, Our King and Lawgiver, the expected of the nations and Savior: R: Come to save us, and set us free, O Lord our God. Isaiah 7:14; 33:22. Symbols: tablets of stone, Chalice and Host.
O EMMANUEL GOD WITH US, Our King and Lawgiver, the expected of the nations and Savior: R: Come to save us, and set us free, O Lord our God. Isaiah 7:14; 33:22. Symbols: tablets of stone, Chalice and Host.
Click here for video of the Gregorian Chant
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
December 24
V: Tomorrow He will wipe out the iniquities of the earth.
R: And the Savior of the world will reign over us.
V: When the Sun will have arisen from the heavens in the morning sky
R: You shall see the King of kings coming forth from the Father like a radiant bridegroom from the bridal chamber!
V: When the Sun will have arisen from the heavens in the morning sky
R: You shall see the King of kings coming forth from the Father like a radiant bridegroom from the bridal chamber!
Click here for video of the Gregorian Chant
Say the daily novena prayer below: The Messianic Prophecies
Daily Novena Prayer
V: The Lord is our Coming King,
R: Let us hasten to adore Him.
R: Let us hasten to adore Him.
V: Rejoice, O Daughter of Sion, and exult, O Daughter of Jerusalem.
R: Behold the Lord will come
and there will be on that day a great light, and the mountains will drip
with sweetness and the hills will flow with milk and honey, for the
great prophet will come and he will renew Jerusalem.
V: Behold, He who is God and man shall
come forth from the house of Davis to sit upon his throne,and you shall
see Him, and your heart shall rejoice.
R: Behold, the Lord shall come, our Protector, the Holy One of Israel, bearing on His head the crown of the Kingdom.
R: Behold, the Lord shall come, our Protector, the Holy One of Israel, bearing on His head the crown of the Kingdom.
V: And he will rule from sea unto sea, and from the rivers to the ends of the earth.
R. Behold the Lord will appear, and He will not deceive: if he delay wait for him, for he will come and He will not tarry.
R. Behold the Lord will appear, and He will not deceive: if he delay wait for him, for he will come and He will not tarry.
V: The Lord will descend, as rain on
the field. In his days justice shall rise and an abundance of peace and
all the kings of the earth shall adore Him, all nations shall serve
R: A Child is born to us, and He shall be called the God of strength; He will sit upon the throne of David his Father, and he shall rule whose dominion rests upon his shoulder.
R: A Child is born to us, and He shall be called the God of strength; He will sit upon the throne of David his Father, and he shall rule whose dominion rests upon his shoulder.
V: O Bethlehem, city of the the most
High God, out from you shall go forth the ruler of Israel, and his going
forth will be as from the beginning of the days of eternity.
R: And he will be glorified in the midst of all the earth and peace will be upon our land when He will have come.
R: And he will be glorified in the midst of all the earth and peace will be upon our land when He will have come.
V: O Lord, do not tarry; do away with the offenses of Your people
R : Be mindful of us, O Lord, and visit us in Your salvation.
V: Let the heavens rejoice and the earth exult. Praise the Lord, O mountains!
R: Let the mountains break forth into gladness, and the hills
with justice!
V: Praise the Lord, you mountains, for the Lord shall come
and to the poor He shall show us his mercy.
Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, for the day of the Lord is nigh; behold, He will come to save us, alleluia, alleluia.
V: For the Lord shall come and to the poor He will show mercy.
Drop down dew, you heavens, from above and let the clouds rain down the
Just One. Let the earth be opened and bud forth the Savior.
V: Send forth the lamb, O Lord the ruler of all the earth, from the rock of the desert to the mountain of the daughter of Zion! V: Come, to free us O Lord God of Hosts, show your face to us and we shall be saved!
V: Come, O Lord, and visit us in peace that we may rejoice in you with a perfect heart!
R: So that we may know O Lord your way upon the earth, among all the peoples your salvation.
V: Stir up your power O Lord and come to save us.
R:Come O Lord do not delay do away with the offenses of your people!
V: O that you would rend the heavens and come down, with the mountains quaking before you!
R: Come and show to us Your face O Lord who are enthroned upon the Cherubim
V: Stir up your power O Lord R: Come to save us
Hasten we beseech you O Lord do not tarry, and grant us the help of your celestial power, so that we ho hope for your consolations may be lifted up by your mercy: who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever amen!