THE MONTH OF JULY Dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus also has several important Carmelite Feasts that calls for us to meditate on them in the light of the Fatima message. These Carmelite memorials have great significance to aid our spiritual lives in the midst of the battles we face in bearing witness to the faith.
This post centers on our relatively new Saints, Louis and Zelie Martin in their role as spouses sanctifying each other and as parents preparing their children for heaven. Their memorial falls on July 12th.
I am hoping you will also take the time after reading this post to meditate on the following four significant Carmelite Feasts to aide us in the present spiritual warfare engaged in the world the battle over family life that has entered also into the midst of the church!
July 13th 3rd Fatima Apparition
Mary came as a Catechist at Fatima and is a model catechist for parents today!
July 16th Our Lady of Mt Carmel
Another Hidden Meaning for the Brown Scapular?
July 20th The Prophet Elijiah
Will the Mission of the Prophet Elijah culminate in the Apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima?
July 23rd Mary Mother if Divine Grace
Holy Mary Virgin Mother of Divine Grace
July 12th is the Memorial of Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese and it is a very recent addition to the Church calendar and the Carmelite Proper. In Divine providence this date chosen by the church for their memorial has great significance for parents today and for their roles as the primary instructors for their children in the faith.
Louis Martin was born at Bordeaux on August 22nd, 1823 and Zelie Guerin was born on December 23rd, 1831. Both Louis and Zelie sought to enter Religious life; however, neither were admitted. Louis had become a successful watchmaker and Zelie had started her own successful lace-making business. Louis and Zelie met in Alencon France and were married on July 13th, 1858. They wanted to raise souls for Heaven. They were to have nine children; however, two baby boys and a baby girl died as did another daughter at age 5. Of the remaining five daughters, all would become nuns: Marie, Pauline, Celine and Therese were Carmelite nuns at the same Monastery in Lisieux. Leonie was a Visitation nun at a convent in Caen. Louis and Zelie Martin were Beatified by Pope Benedict the XVI on October 19th, 2008.
This married couple the first in the modern era to be declared saints. They are held up by the church for our times when Marriage and Family life are under attack by the enemies of God within and outside of the church.
"The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be over Marriage and Family" --Ven. Lucia of Fatima
Cardinal Caffarra commissioned by St. John Paul II established the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. The cardinal wrote a letter to Sister Lucia of Fatima through her bishop, since he could not do it directly.He did not expect a reply, and only asked for her prayers. He was surprised to see a long letter with Sr. Lucia's signature, which is now in the archives of the Institute. In that letter Sr. Lucia wrote:
"The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about Marriage and the Family.’
Don't be afraid, she added, because whoever works for the sanctity of Marriage and the Family will always be fought against and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. Then she concluded: ‘nevertheless, Our Lady has already crushed his head”
Don't be afraid, she added, because whoever works for the sanctity of Marriage and the Family will always be fought against and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. Then she concluded: ‘nevertheless, Our Lady has already crushed his head”
Parents must give a living witness of Faith if they wish their children to go to Heaven!
The Church in placing their memorial on July 12th which is the vigil of the 3rd Fatima apparition. In the July apparition of Our Lady the children were given a vision of Hell. This was no mistake here the church is telling us of the
importance of a living witness of faith by parents if they wish their children to have a chance for Heaven. Today Parents have to relearn and take seriously their obligations to catechize their children and prepare them to make the proper moral choices for
the next life.
Tertullian who lived in the first Christian century stated: "Christians are not born they are made." The Church has always understood the absolute necessity of evangelizing and catechizing young children. This is the parents duty for their children and our Lady's appearance at Fatima preceded by the angel in 1916, teaches parents how to teach their children working with the the graces God has given them.
Tertullian who lived in the first Christian century stated: "Christians are not born they are made." The Church has always understood the absolute necessity of evangelizing and catechizing young children. This is the parents duty for their children and our Lady's appearance at Fatima preceded by the angel in 1916, teaches parents how to teach their children working with the the graces God has given them.
Think of it! Our Lady did not spare little children at the tender ages of 6, 8 and 9 years a frightful vision of hell!
Through this frightful vision the children were taught the consequences due to sin. They were taught that souls who sin and are not repentant will end up on fire burning there for all eternity.The children were forever changed by it and from then on did everything to make sacrifices and prayers so souls would not end up there!
How many parents today coddle and pamper their children, never teaching these little souls entrusted to them by God the importance of prayer and sacrifice and the consequences of sin.
We greatly underestimate the capacity of children to do good to pray and sacrifice! When children are taught by the living examples of their parents they are generous in their response to good. Very often the children's unreserved "offering of self" far surpasses the half-hearted offering of adults, who are overly imbued with self-love and attachment to material wealth, prestige, security, and comfortable living.
The Parents of St Therese of Liseuix were exemplary Catechists in instructing their children through their example and witness of their lives and the church wants us to take note of it! Parents must help their children by teaching them how to practice the virtues. Charity, mercy, prudence justice, fortitude, temperance, humility to overcome the capital sins of pride greed, lust, anger, sloth, envy,Temperence and gluttony. The virtues need to be taught to children as Our Lady and the Angel did to the shepherds of Fatima. This is how future vocations are formed in the homes by the example of the parents.
The education of their children was at the same time joyful, and demanding. Very early on, Zelie Martin teaches them the morning offering of their hearts to the good God, the simple acceptance of daily difficulties "to please Jesus." This was the indelible mark that is the basis of the little way taught by St. Therese. One cannot conceive of the growth in holiness of Therese and the religious vocations of her sisters independent of the spiritual life of both her parents.
Having said that, if the parents themselves are defectively evangelized or not evangelized at all, (many are today) they are unprepared for catechetical teaching and the passing the faith to their children. Their instructions will be senseless and downright silly if they unwilling to live the Christian life at home. This Christian witness in the home is vital pass on the faith and to supplement what the church is teaching their children in its Catechism programs. If it is not there the faith will not be. absorbed.
Our Lady came to show how important it is to teach children from their most tender years to be generous and how to make sacrifices. The moral virtues most be learned and practiced over and over due to our fallen human nature. See also: Our Lady came as a Catechist at Fatima and is a perfect model for all Catechists today
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Our Lady came to show how important it is to teach children from their most tender years to be generous and how to make sacrifices. The moral virtues most be learned and practiced over and over due to our fallen human nature. See also: Our Lady came as a Catechist at Fatima and is a perfect model for all Catechists today
do not usually talk about Mary as a catechist at Fatima and we do not commonly
think of her as a model for those who catechize. But according to the Servant of God Fr. John Anthony Hardon, S.J.,
"The Blessed Virgin Mary is not only a pattern; she is a perfect model of what every catechist in the Catholic Church should be. More details see: Mary is the perfect model of all Catholic Catechists!
"The Blessed Virgin Mary is not only a pattern; she is a perfect model of what every catechist in the Catholic Church should be. More details see: Mary is the perfect model of all Catholic Catechists!
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Our Lady came to Fatima to combat the atheism, rebellion and materialism of the modern world. She came from God to save souls from unbelief, sin and ultimately from hell fire. She came, begging all believers to join Christ in his work of redemption by living faith-filled and holy lives. The Parents of of St Therese Blessed Louis and Marie Zélie Martin are held up by the Church for the parents of our time! They are great example of parents who fulfill their primary duty of educating and preparing their children for the next life to live with God for all eternity in Heaven
Let us pray:
Lord, you have given to Blessed Louis and Marie Zélie
Lord, you have given to Blessed Louis and Marie Zélie
the grace to lead a life of holiness as Christian spouses and parents.
Grant that through their intercession and example each of us may be able to love and serve you faithfully, living worthily our own vocation. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Other significant Feasts in July that have bearing on our spiritual warfare today when meditated on in the light of Fatima include:
July 13th 3rd Fatima Apparition
Grant that through their intercession and example each of us may be able to love and serve you faithfully, living worthily our own vocation. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Other significant Feasts in July that have bearing on our spiritual warfare today when meditated on in the light of Fatima include:
July 13th 3rd Fatima Apparition
Mary came as a Catechist at Fatima and is a model catechist for parents today!
July 16th Our Lady of Mt Carmel
Another Hidden Meaning for the Brown Scapular?
July 20th The Prophet Elijiah
Will the Mission of the Prophet Elijah culminate in the Apparition999os of Our Lady at Fatima?
July 23rd: Mary Mother of Divine Grace
Holy Mary Virgin Mother of Divine Grace
July 16th Our Lady of Mt Carmel
Another Hidden Meaning for the Brown Scapular?
July 20th The Prophet Elijiah
Will the Mission of the Prophet Elijah culminate in the Apparition999os of Our Lady at Fatima?
July 23rd: Mary Mother of Divine Grace
Holy Mary Virgin Mother of Divine Grace