On Pentecost Sunday I posted another Post on the need to make reparation for the Sacriliges occuring daily against the Blessed Sacrament. Describing them in more detail and linking them in providence to the Fatima Message and the call to Eucharistic Reparation. The post was up for only 3 days and during that time I made a few minor corrections and then I lost a large portion of the post into cyberspace. My notes and extra copies that Blogger sends to your e-mail inbox also disappeared. All I had left were the tweets on twitter that highlighted the topics. I was very discouraged because I am not an accomplished writer and the whole post for me was quite a feat to be able to put what was in my heart in writing and hope that people in authority who could make changes would read it and take action to make necessary corrections.

Fatima Sacrifice Prayer
A Necessary Work
Public Atonement
The following days I came across the following post and this also is a good work, an important work a necessary work. A call to make public atonement for the sins of some of the members of the church in order to appease the justice of God for the failures of some of the members of the church.
We Hold Our Future in our Hands
We will accept and do penance or
God will do it for us!
The Following Articles Merit Consideration
Locution of Pope Leo XIII
CNS Post May 27, 2010 by John Thavis
Please everyone, talk to all you know, especially your Bishops and priests … a movement is beginning. We need to beg mercy and call down grace to strengthen and sanctify the clergy and faithful. With all the scandal for so long in the Church along with the progressives and liberals, we need to act quickly and storm heaven to mitigate what will surely befall us shortly from our complacency and arrogance.
We will accept and do penance or
God will do it for us!
They agree with the message of Fatima that we hold our future in our hands. It is up to us what happens. If we follow the simple requests of Our Lady do penance and pray we shall save our souls and others. If we do not, I believe we are headed towards the a divine chastisement and annihilation of nations. These are prophesied in symbols during the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. The people at that time thought it was the end of the world and begged pardon for their sins. The chastisement will come in order to purify us for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the new spring time in the church that John Paul II saw. We will accept and do penance or God will do it for us! Is it possible that our inability to Cap Gulf Oil haemorrhage and another future world economic collapse is part of the beginnings of these cleansings. Men do not need God until they are on their knees.
The Following Articles Merit Consideration
First Catholic News Service CNS published an article below on a special period of Eucharistic adoration to be held at the Vatican in reparation for the abuse scandals and for the healing of this wound within the church.
Then ALWAYS Catholic Blog started a Public Penance project also below.
This is what Our Lady of Fatima would want. This is also the root of the Eucharistic Sacriligies occuring daily today. Infiltration of our seminaries by unfaithful priests many ordained who did not have a vocation. Others attacked after wards by the evil spirit who has a greater power over souls today who give themselves to him by mortal sin. See the vision of Pope Leo XIII and the inclusion of the St. Michael Prayer after Low Mass
Locution of Pope Leo XIII
Different versions but all agree that the Pope after appearing in shock and shaken up said that he suddenly heard voices- one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. They seemed to come from near the tabernacle. As he listened, he heard the following conversation: The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to Our Lord: "I can destroy your Church." The gentle voice of Our Lord: "You can? Then go ahead and do so." Satan: "To do so, I need more time and more power." Our Lord: "How much time? How much power?" Satan: "75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service." Our Lord: "You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will."
Eucharistic Adoration at Vatican
In Reparation for Abuse

(CNS photo/Michael Alexander, Georgia Bulletin)
VATICAN CITY- The Vatican is hosting two hours of eucharistic adoration “in reparation for abuses committed by priests and for the healing of this wound within the church
The service in St. Peter’s Basilica this Saturday will feature an hour of silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, an hour of prayer and meditation, and a solemn blessing at the end.
The unusual initiative was organized by Catholic university students in Rome. Sources said the event was originally planned for the small Church of St. Anne inside Vatican City, but that it was moved to St. Peter’s at the suggestion of Cardinal Angelo Comastri, who is archpriest of the basilica.
So far, however, the Vatican has not publicized the event. Invitations have been forwarded by email and spread by word-of-mouth.
The hour of prayer and meditation will be led by Msgr. Charles Scicluna, an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith who deals directly with cases of priests accused of abuse of minors.
VATICAN CITY, MAY 30, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Here is a translation of the meditation delivered Saturday by Msgr. Charles Scicluna, promoter of justice for the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, during a morning of adoration of the Most Blessed sacrament to pray for the sanctification of priests at St. Peter's Basilica in
Do not be an obstacle in their way to me!
Do not Hinder their Spiritual Progress!
Do not let them be Seduced by Evil!
Accepting the kingdom of God like a child is to accept with a pure heart, with docility, abandonment, confidence, enthusiasm, and hope. All this reminds us of the child. All this makes the child precious in God's eyes, and in the eyes of a true disciple of JesusInstead, how barren and sad the world becomes when this beautiful image, when this holy icon is crushed, broken, muddied, abused and destroyed. The deep cry that comes from the heart of Jesus echoes: "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them" (Mark 10:14). Do not be an obstacle in their way toward me, do not hinder their spiritual progress, do not let them be seduced by evil, do not make children the subject of your impure greed.
"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea" (Mark 9:42).
After having taken a Profession of Holiness, Anyone who Destroys others through Words or Deed would have been better off if their Misdeeds had caused them to Die in Secular Dress!
Gregory the Great says this about those severe words of Jesus: "Mystically expressed in the millstone is the hard and tedious rhythm of secular life, while the deep sea signifies the most terrible curse. Thus, After having taken a profession of holiness, anyone who destroys others through words or deed would have been better off if their misdeeds had caused them to die in secular dress, rather than, through their holy office, being imposed as an example for others in their sins. Without a doubt, if they had fallen all by themselves, their suffering in Hell would be easier to bear. "
But the Lord, who does not enjoy the loss of his servants and does not want eternal death for his creatures, immediately adds a remedy for condemnation, a drug for the disease, relief from the danger of eternal damnation. His are the strong words of the Divine surgeon that cuts to heal, amputates to cure, prunes so the vine bears much fruit: And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off" (Mark 9:43). "And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off" (Mark 9:45). "And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out" (Mark 9:47).
Several Holy Fathers interpret "the hand," "the foot," and "the eye" as a friend dear to our heart with which we share our life, to whom we are bound by ties of affection, harmony and solidarity. There is a limit to this relationship. Christian friendship submits to the law of God. If my friend, my companion, a person dear to me is for me an occasion of sin, a stumbling block for me in journey, I have no other choice. According to the criterion of the Lord, this relationship must be cut. Who would deny the agony of such a choice? Is this a cruel amputation? Yet the Lord is clear: It is better for me to go alone in the Kingdom (without a hand, without a foot, without an eye), than to go with my friend "into hell, into unquenchable fire" (Mark 9:43; cf. Mark 9: 45,47). ....
"A Father of the Church, Origen, in one of his homilies on Jeremiah, reports a saying attributed to Jesus, not contained in the sacred Scriptures but perhaps authentic, which he puts thus: 'Whoever is near me, is near the fire' (Homilies on Jeremiah, L. I [III]). In Christ, in fact, there is the fullness of God, who in the Bible is compared to fire. We just observed that the flame of the Holy Spirit burns but does not destroy. And nevertheless it causes a transformation, and it must for this reason consume something in man, the waste that corrupts him and hinders his relations with God and neighbor.
This effect of the Divine Fire, Frightens Us
"This effect of the divine fire, however, frightens us, we are afraid of being 'burned,' we prefer to stay just as we are. This is because our life is often formed according to the logic of having, of possessing and not the logic of self-giving. Many people believe in God and admire the person of Jesus Christ, but when they are asked to lose something of themselves, then they retreat, they are afraid of the demands of faith. There is the fear of giving up something nice to which we are attached; the fear that following Christ deprives us of freedom, of certain experiences, of a part of ourselves. On one hand, we want to be with Jesus, follow him closely, and, on the other hand, we are afraid of the consequences that this brings with it.
Be Touched by the Fire of the Holy Spirit!
The Suffering it Causes is Necessary
For Our Transformation!
"Dear brothers and sisters, we always need to hear the Lord Jesus tell us what he often repeated to his friends: 'Be not afraid.' Like Simon Peter and the others we must allow his presence and his grace to transform our heart, which is always subject to human weakness. We must know how to recognize that losing something, indeed, losing ourselves for the true God, the God of love and of life, is in reality gaining ourselves, finding ourselves more fully. Whoever entrusts himself to Jesus already experiences in this life peace and joy of heart, which the world cannot give, and it cannot even take it away once God has given it to us.
"So it is worthwhile to let ourselves be touched by the fire of the Holy Spirit! The suffering that it causes us is necessary for our transformation. It is the reality of the cross: It is not for nothing that in the language of Jesus 'fire' is above all a representation of the cross, without which Christianity does not exist. Read More....
A Grass Roots Call for Public Penance
Msgr. Scicluna's Address
Prayer Service for Priests
Prayer Service for Priests
"The Child Image of Innocence"
VATICAN CITY, MAY 30, 2010 (Zenit.org).- Here is a translation of the meditation delivered Saturday by Msgr. Charles Scicluna, promoter of justice for the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, during a morning of adoration of the Most Blessed sacrament to pray for the sanctification of priests at St. Peter's Basilica in
Do not be an obstacle in their way to me!
Do not Hinder their Spiritual Progress!
Do not let them be Seduced by Evil!
Accepting the kingdom of God like a child is to accept with a pure heart, with docility, abandonment, confidence, enthusiasm, and hope. All this reminds us of the child. All this makes the child precious in God's eyes, and in the eyes of a true disciple of JesusInstead, how barren and sad the world becomes when this beautiful image, when this holy icon is crushed, broken, muddied, abused and destroyed. The deep cry that comes from the heart of Jesus echoes: "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them" (Mark 10:14). Do not be an obstacle in their way toward me, do not hinder their spiritual progress, do not let them be seduced by evil, do not make children the subject of your impure greed.
"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea" (Mark 9:42).
After having taken a Profession of Holiness, Anyone who Destroys others through Words or Deed would have been better off if their Misdeeds had caused them to Die in Secular Dress!
Gregory the Great says this about those severe words of Jesus: "Mystically expressed in the millstone is the hard and tedious rhythm of secular life, while the deep sea signifies the most terrible curse. Thus, After having taken a profession of holiness, anyone who destroys others through words or deed would have been better off if their misdeeds had caused them to die in secular dress, rather than, through their holy office, being imposed as an example for others in their sins. Without a doubt, if they had fallen all by themselves, their suffering in Hell would be easier to bear. "
But the Lord, who does not enjoy the loss of his servants and does not want eternal death for his creatures, immediately adds a remedy for condemnation, a drug for the disease, relief from the danger of eternal damnation. His are the strong words of the Divine surgeon that cuts to heal, amputates to cure, prunes so the vine bears much fruit: And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off" (Mark 9:43). "And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off" (Mark 9:45). "And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out" (Mark 9:47).
Several Holy Fathers interpret "the hand," "the foot," and "the eye" as a friend dear to our heart with which we share our life, to whom we are bound by ties of affection, harmony and solidarity. There is a limit to this relationship. Christian friendship submits to the law of God. If my friend, my companion, a person dear to me is for me an occasion of sin, a stumbling block for me in journey, I have no other choice. According to the criterion of the Lord, this relationship must be cut. Who would deny the agony of such a choice? Is this a cruel amputation? Yet the Lord is clear: It is better for me to go alone in the Kingdom (without a hand, without a foot, without an eye), than to go with my friend "into hell, into unquenchable fire" (Mark 9:43; cf. Mark 9: 45,47). ....
'Whoever is near me, is near the Fire'
"A Father of the Church, Origen, in one of his homilies on Jeremiah, reports a saying attributed to Jesus, not contained in the sacred Scriptures but perhaps authentic, which he puts thus: 'Whoever is near me, is near the fire' (Homilies on Jeremiah, L. I [III]). In Christ, in fact, there is the fullness of God, who in the Bible is compared to fire. We just observed that the flame of the Holy Spirit burns but does not destroy. And nevertheless it causes a transformation, and it must for this reason consume something in man, the waste that corrupts him and hinders his relations with God and neighbor.
This effect of the Divine Fire, Frightens Us
"This effect of the divine fire, however, frightens us, we are afraid of being 'burned,' we prefer to stay just as we are. This is because our life is often formed according to the logic of having, of possessing and not the logic of self-giving. Many people believe in God and admire the person of Jesus Christ, but when they are asked to lose something of themselves, then they retreat, they are afraid of the demands of faith. There is the fear of giving up something nice to which we are attached; the fear that following Christ deprives us of freedom, of certain experiences, of a part of ourselves. On one hand, we want to be with Jesus, follow him closely, and, on the other hand, we are afraid of the consequences that this brings with it.
Be Touched by the Fire of the Holy Spirit!
The Suffering it Causes is Necessary
For Our Transformation!
"Dear brothers and sisters, we always need to hear the Lord Jesus tell us what he often repeated to his friends: 'Be not afraid.' Like Simon Peter and the others we must allow his presence and his grace to transform our heart, which is always subject to human weakness. We must know how to recognize that losing something, indeed, losing ourselves for the true God, the God of love and of life, is in reality gaining ourselves, finding ourselves more fully. Whoever entrusts himself to Jesus already experiences in this life peace and joy of heart, which the world cannot give, and it cannot even take it away once God has given it to us.
"So it is worthwhile to let ourselves be touched by the fire of the Holy Spirit! The suffering that it causes us is necessary for our transformation. It is the reality of the cross: It is not for nothing that in the language of Jesus 'fire' is above all a representation of the cross, without which Christianity does not exist. Read More....
A Grass Roots Call for Public Penance
In several recent statements, Pope Benedict has said the response to the sex abuse crisis in the church will require openness, adoption of new measures to protect children and spiritual reparation.
In a letter to Irish Catholics earlier this year, he asked that eucharistic adoration be set up in every diocese, so that “through intense prayer before the real presence of the Lord, you can make reparation for the sins of abuse that have done so much harm.
To Make Spiritual Reparation
Posted May 29 by Always Catholic Blog
Please everyone, talk to all you know, especially your Bishops and priests … a movement is beginning. We need to beg mercy and call down grace to strengthen and sanctify the clergy and faithful. With all the scandal for so long in the Church along with the progressives and liberals, we need to act quickly and storm heaven to mitigate what will surely befall us shortly from our complacency and arrogance.
Beginning with Bishops to lead by example and backed up by all clergy and faithful; we need to begin a movement of at least a quarter hour a week of PUBLIC PENANCE. 15 minutes of CONTRITE PROSTRATE PRAYER in front of the Blessed Sacrament. If we do not beg mercy and grace for strength, conversions and in reparation …. our future will be our own doing.